Week 8 Connector

  1. I used to like to have a big plan that would affect my own life like Jonas when he and the Giver plan to escape the community.
  2. I think Ray Breslin in the movie Escape is quiet similar to Jonas situation now.
  3. Thomas in “Maze Runner: Scorch Trials ”  is also similar to this section.
  4. So of course James Dashner the author of “Maze Runner: Scorch Trials” has a same story style as Lois Lowry.
  5. This is the last section so it kind of summarize all the memories that he had received before, and moment in last sections.

Week 8- Discussion Director

1. What was Jonas’s feelings when he stay with the Giver for the evening?
2. What did Jonas plan to escape?
3. Who is Rosemary and what is her relations with the Giver?
4. What do you think the community, Jonas’s family and friends feel after he and Gabriel left the community?
5. Is the elsewhere the same as memories that Jonas has received? How does it looks like?

Week 8 Word Wizard Group 6

1. undertaking ( noun )

So this would not be an unusual undertaking. pg 160

My guess: not use much

Definition: A task that is taken on

2. Understatement ( noun )

That is an understatement pg (164)

My guess: statement that are not important

Definition: of something as being smaller or less good or important

3. taut

His leg muscles were taut now. pg 168

My guess: getting tired

Definition: Tense; not relaxed

4. . Languid ( pg.166 )


With a rhythmic sound of languid water lapping hypnotically against a beach nearby.

Guess: soft, slow or empty

Definition: slack or slow

5.  Solace ( pg.161 )

from which to find either solace or wisdom, they would not know what to do and would see his advice

Guess: Make them happy

Definition : to cheer a person

6. Churning ( pg.163 )

he could see the dark, churning water far below

Guess: different or to change

Definition: to be changing rapidly or in a confused

7. Hunched

The Giver rubbed Jonas’s hunched shoulder. (Pg 154)

Guess: hurt; or painful

Definition: raise and bend up on the toward

8. Dwelling

Jonas would secretly leave his dwelling. (pg 158)

Guess: Important place, party

Definition: a house, apartment, or other place of residence.

9. frazzled 

They were really frazzled by the time I got to work. (pg.164)

My guess: frustrated, confused

Definition: Completely

10. taut 

His leg muscles were taut now. (pg. 168)

My guess: very hurt from being used too much

Definition: (Especially of muscles or nerves) tense; not relaxed



Week 6- Summarizer

Our Group

Discussion Director : Aiden is asking some question in the story

1. What happened in his second memory? Was it the same as the first one?

2.On page 115, What did did the Giver talk about back then?

3.How did Jonas feel after entering the annex room?

4. What is Jonas other memory beside memory of snow? (Hint: there’s a warfare happening)

5. What happen to Jonas for the first time?

Reflector: Kiet is doing what happened to Jonas

I think he will be panic, because these might be too horrible for him, and maybe this is when last receiver had fail.So that why the giver said sorry and worry before that. The mood is boring and horrible as what i felt. I think something big is happening. Jonas in this section is a bit passive, and he had receive a lot of thing that might over range for him. “The Giver looked away, as if he could not bear to see what he had done to Jonas. “Forgive me,” he said.” It made me feel excited and interesting to read next chapter but I am to lazy to read. This section this kind of better than other section.



Week 7 Connector Group 6

  1. When Jonas and his friends were playing war game, it reminds me of when I played pillow fight with my sister.
  2. In these three chapters and the last few chapters is that Jonas kept training and collect new memories with pain and some beautiful memories.
  3. Chapter 17 is when the Community has a holiday when everyone get a day off, and Jonas hanging out with his friends. It reminds me that the day when we a got a whole week up and I was hanging out with my friends.
  4. The imaginary battle in the story, reminds me when my sister playing fake battle in my room. It really fun.
  5. The author of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, has a similar writing style to Lois Lowry’s

Week 7 Visualizer

  1. This is my interpretation of freedom of a utopia described on page 130.
  2. It is an important sections of the text because it is the beginning of this section and also the way Jonas get the lonely feeling, the changes of him to the world.


Aiden Week 7 Reflector

1. My prediction for this section is that Jonas will need more random pills to function himself throughout the story. And Gabriel will soon realize how important he is in the Jonas’s family. Jonas will also experience more memories throughout.

2. In chapter 17, the Giver reveals Rosemary and Jonas mark her eyes and said it was very luminous. Jonas is trying to comfort the baby Gabriel. Jonas is outraged.

3. I think of future because I’m just curious how Jonas and his family is going to do with Gabriel and Lily. And how is Jonas is going to move on as a Receiver.

4. Gabriel because he can talk and kind of appear in the story now and now can actually say something like his name “Gay!”

5. Jonas remembered Rosemary was released and Rosemary’s death when she drown. And he had a memory of Christmas morning. Jonas have a new baby in his family.

6.  The text makes me feel worry for Jonas’s family because they have a new baby which could result in a very bad situation for the family. Also the Ceremonies will be in the Hall of Records and they will watch it over. That makes me feel like the community is being watched by the Giver.

7. In conclusion i think the main points in the story is the family have a new baby and Jonas’s is having a very difficult time as a Receiver.

Aiden Week 5 Summarizer

So in this week, our discussion director have ask us a few questions to answer. So the first question Kiet ask us what happen in the memory of snow and we said he was on snow and has a red sled. The next question he ask us is why don’t they have snow, and sleds, and hills and we said because the weather changes, the hills will stop the traffic and makes it dangerous to drive in. The next question Kiet ask us is, is it true that they have no dreams and we said no, he just couldn’t share it. He also ask us about, what is the little test from the Giver, we answer the test was to test out their knowledge. The last question that Kiet ask us do Lily know the hippo was an elephant. And we answer nope. Our word wizard found some interesting and strange words that we didn’t even know and Gizzie did a nice job and showing us the definition. Khuong drew a picture of a sled sliding down the steep hill. Great job explaining and analyzing.