Week 8 Word Wizard

1. rueful (adj.)

The giver gave a rueful, anguished, empty laugh. (pg. 154)

My guess: sad

Definition: Expressing sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous way

2. undertaking (noun)

So this would not be an unusual undertaking. (pg. 160)

My guess: occasion

Definition: A task that is taken on; an enterprise

3. errand (noun)

When the driver and vehicle arrived, The Giver would send the driver on some brief errand. (pg. 160)

My guess: task

Definition: A short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, especially on someone else’s behalf

4. solace (noun)

Confronted by a situation which they had never faced before, and having no memories from which to find either solace or wisdom, they would not know what to do and would seek his advice. (pg. 161)

My guess: comfort

Definition: Comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness

5. stealthily (adverb)

It was terribly dangerous because some of the work crews were still about, but he moved stealthily and silently, staying in the shadows, making his ways past the darkened dwellings and the empty Central Plaza, toward the river. (pg. 163)

My guess: bravely

Definition: Behaving or done in a cautious and surreptitious manner, so as not to be seen or heard

6. understatement (noun)

That’s an understatement. (pg. 164)

My guess: false statement

Definition: The presentation of something as being smaller or less good or important than it really is

7. frazzled (adj.)

They were really frazzled by the time I got to work. (pg.164)

My guess: frustrated

Definition: Completely exhausted

8. condemned 

He thought of the rules he had broken so far: enough that if he were caught, now, he would be condemned. (pg. 165)

My guess: captured

Definition: Sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, especially death

9. transgression 

A major transgression. (pg. 165)

My guess: violation

Definition: An act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence

10. taut 

His leg muscles were taut now. (pg. 168)

My guess: very hurt from being used too much

Definition: (Especially of muscles or nerves) tense; not relaxed

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