Week 8 Summarizer

The discussion director asked these thoughtful questions this week and these are the common responses:
1) What were Jonas acts after watched his father release the twins?
He cried a lot and didn’t want to go back to his dwelling.
2) How did Rosemary relate to the Giver? How do you know?
Rosemary was the Giver’s daighter. He mentioned this while talking about his plan to escape from the community.
3) Do you predict that Jonas’s journey will success or fail? Why?
I think he will fail because the Elders watch everyone in the community and they will find out. Then they will stop him.
4) What did Jonas plan for escape from the community?
The Giver would prepare him for they journey by giving him the memories of courage and bravery. Before the Ceremony, Jonas will pack supplies and hide in the vehical the Gover has asked for then he will go to Elsewhere.
5) What were Joans feeling when Gabriel and he escape the community?
He wondered what his life would be Elsewhere.
The word wizard found really hard words and explained them to us. Billy, the connector, found connections to other texts, other characters, his life, and the world. Finally, the reflector analyzed the story for us.

Week 8 Connector

1. When I read these chapters, I have the connection when I am an important person in a group of my friend, the feeling of a leader, of “a hero wants to save the world.”

2.The Hunger Game is the same think as these chapters, only Katniss is the only one wants to change and steps up to save the world.

3.Katniss, Harry Potter…

4.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle because he has the same writing style in “saving the world conversations” parts.

5.This section is the next part of Jonas’ ideas to find out a way to pass out the memories to the people in the community.

Week 8 – Discussion – Group 4

Sorry for posting late, I forgot to post on this morning.

1) What were Jonas acts after watched his father release the twins?

2) How did Rosemary relate to the Giver? How do you know?

3) Do you predict that Jonas’s journey will success or fail? Why?

4) What did Jonas plan for escape from the community?

5) What were Joans feeling when Gabriel and he escape the community?

Week 8 Reflector

In this chapter, Jonas was trying to excape from the community and he did. He made a long way but he didn’t have enough food and resources. While he was on his way, the planes from the comunity searches for him everywhere. Although they couldn’t find him. Jonas and Gabriel is totally exhausted and they are out of food too. Jonas just try to go as far as he could. I think that Jonas will make it because he got a lot of courage and hope.

Week 8 – Word Wizard

1. Empowered

Sentence: “I am empowered to lie. But I have never lied to you.” Jonas stared at him (pg 153)

Guess: Did something a lot of time.

Definition: give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

2. Hunched

Sentence: The Giver rubbed Jonas’s hunched shoulder. (Pg 154)

Guess: Grumpy

Definition: raise (one’s shoulders) and bend the top of one’s body forward.

3. Gesture

Sentence: The Giver shook his head and made a gesture to silence him. (pg 155)

Guess: A force, our goals

Definition: a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.

4. Burden

Sentence: It will mean that the community has to bear the burden themselves, of the memories you had been holding for them. (pg 155)

Guess: Guessing, remember

Definition: a load, especially a heavy one.

5. Dwelling

Sentence: Jonas would secretly leave his dwelling. (pg 158)

Guess: A ceremony, a important event.

Definition: a house, apartment, or other place of residence.

6. Inconsiderate

Sentence:They would think him inconsiderate and they would plan to chastise him, later. (pg 159)

Guess: A crime, a bad guy, a villain.

Definition: thoughtlessly causing hurt or inconvenience to others.

7. Condemned

sentence: enough that if he were caught, now, he would be condemned. (pg 165)

Guess: Put in jail, got in trouble.

Definition: express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure.

8. Accustomed

Sentence: whether he could comfortable ride the larger bike when he was so accustomed to his own. (pg 166)

Guess: didn’t believe in something, scared

Definition: customary or usual.

9. Fugitives

Sentence: Together the fugitives slept through the first dangerous day. (pg 167)

Guess: Prisoners.

Definition: a person who is fleeing from custody, whether it be from jail, a government arrest, government or non-government questioning, vigilante violence, or outraged private individuals.

10. Meager

Sentence: They finish the meager store of potatoes and carrots they had saved from the last agricultural area, and now they were always hungry.

Guess: A grocery shop.

Definition: (of something provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality.

Week 7 – Summarizer

Week 7 my group did all their work. Peter is the visualizer, and he did his job but i think he can put more effort to it. He should record it more fluency and clear, and i think he can draw the picture of Jonas and The Giver watching his dad putting the kind of liquid to the baby more detail and color, but i have an idea of what is happening. Julie is a reflector and I think she did a great job. Her prediction is really good, she predict that in the future Jonas will change the community by changing the release rule. She tell us all the main events in chapter 17-19, means she understand it really well, and predict the future. Lisa also did a nice job on her connection. She don’t just connect the story to her life but she also connect to the world. For example she connect the author from The Giver and Harry Potter author that they both have the same writing style.  Jack did a really nice job of discussion director. His 5 question is not easy, it really make us think more deeply to it. Billy is the word wizard, i think he also need to put more effort to it. Some of his word i think he is just being lazy but some of his word are really hard.

Week 7 Word Wizard


In the book: Jonas shrugged

Guess: talk in a comfortable way.

Real meaning: raise your shoulder to express something.


In the book: Obediently Jonas concentrated on the screen, waiting for what would happen next.

Guess: Excited

Real meaning: Listen to a command without any questions.


In the book: One of the children raised an imaginary rifle and made an attempt to destroy him with a firing noise.

Guess: a canon.

Real meaning: A kind of gun.


In the book: Today is declared an unscheduled holiday.

Guess: to set a day for something important.

Real meaning: Say something in a solemn and emphatic manner.


In the book: Same sentence as number 4.

Guess: An unexpected

Real meaning: Unplanned.


In the book: And his new, heightened feelings permeated a greater realm than simply his sleep.

Guess: Dream

Real meaning: A kingdom


In the book: same sentence as number 6.

Guess: something fresh and new.

Real meaning: make something higher.


In the book:Feeling surged within Jonas.

Guess: disappointed

Real meaning:Move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward.


In the book:pretty long so i cut: …posed in freakish postures on the ground.

Guess: freaky things

Real meaning: Abnormal


In the book: same sentence as 9

Guess: creepy things

Real meaning:A position of a person’s body when standing or sitting.

Week 7 – Reflector – Group 4

After reading chapters 17-19, I would predict that in the future, Jonas will change the community by change the rules of the release because he found the truth of the release ceremony. In chapter 19, Jonas saw his father shoot one of the twins, who have the low weight at the release ceremony.

The mood and tone were intense. At first, Jonas thought release ceremony just release the people to other community, but unexpected, Jonas saw his father shoot the baby who got the low weight and made him astonished when saw that scene.

I immediately think about the future. What happen if Jonas will be the first one who step up and change the rules of the community? After he saw all the punishment that people had been release have to receive in this community.

Jonas because he was unique from everyone. All his thinking right now blocked to cause the rules of the community. But this may be good for him, he will have a chance to explode his mind to the whole community, which people can understand all the feelings he bore overtime.

The big idea for this chapters is when Jonas watched his dad shoot the baby in the release ceremony. In his mind, he thought that release was just a small change, however with his own eyes, he saw his dad said softly with the baby and shoot it like nothing is happen.

The text makes me feel disconcerted when I read about the truth of what does the word release really means. How it made Jonas’s feelings fell cause the scene he saw in the record of the twins. I think it will be a change concussion for Jonas in the future and it might turn Jonas to be a critical thinker.

My conclusion for this is Jonas’s community is not completely a utopia world. All the rules, memories, and the ceremony that Jonas has witnessed are not make his community to be a perfection world like what they thinking.