Week 8 – Discussion – Group 4

Sorry for posting late, I forgot to post on this morning.

1) What were Jonas acts after watched his father release the twins?

2) How did Rosemary relate to the Giver? How do you know?

3) Do you predict that Jonas’s journey will success or fail? Why?

4) What did Jonas plan for escape from the community?

5) What were Joans feeling when Gabriel and he escape the community?

Week 7 – Reflector – Group 4

After reading chapters 17-19, I would predict that in the future, Jonas will change the community by change the rules of the release because he found the truth of the release ceremony. In chapter 19, Jonas saw his father shoot one of the twins, who have the low weight at the release ceremony.

The mood and tone were intense. At first, Jonas thought release ceremony just release the people to other community, but unexpected, Jonas saw his father shoot the baby who got the low weight and made him astonished when saw that scene.

I immediately think about the future. What happen if Jonas will be the first one who step up and change the rules of the community? After he saw all the punishment that people had been release have to receive in this community.

Jonas because he was unique from everyone. All his thinking right now blocked to cause the rules of the community. But this may be good for him, he will have a chance to explode his mind to the whole community, which people can understand all the feelings he bore overtime.

The big idea for this chapters is when Jonas watched his dad shoot the baby in the release ceremony. In his mind, he thought that release was just a small change, however with his own eyes, he saw his dad said softly with the baby and shoot it like nothing is happen.

The text makes me feel disconcerted when I read about the truth of what does the word release really means. How it made Jonas’s feelings fell cause the scene he saw in the record of the twins. I think it will be a change concussion for Jonas in the future and it might turn Jonas to be a critical thinker.

My conclusion for this is Jonas’s community is not completely a utopia world. All the rules, memories, and the ceremony that Jonas has witnessed are not make his community to be a perfection world like what they thinking.

Week 5 – Connector – Group 4

In the chapters 11-13, I found some interesting connections. As I read, Jonas saw lots of new things that he never see it yet, it made me remember when the first time I went to America, everything was unfamiliar with me, they made me feel strange because all impressive beauty. The book that I would like to connect with The Giver is The Road, not Taken. Both they have to overcome an obstacle that give them a sign about the future, how they change the world. In The Giver, Jonas has been selected and he started to be apart, alone from everyone because he was a Reciever of the Memory, which special from his whole community. In The Road, not Taken, Robert Frost lived in loneliness and he have to choose one road that help him go to the future and change the world with lots of challenges were waiting for him. The author of The Giver was Lois Lowry, who have a writing style always talk about forward but not because that is story was boring, but in each his sentences, he gave lots of imagery about Jonas community during this time. With Robert Frost, the author of The Road not Taken, his writing style was very gentle. He wrote his own experience, his real life to his poem/story that make the reader feel comfortable and easygoing when reading his book. This section related to those that came before it because it gives us more information about the Receiver of  Memory, how Jonas felt unique from everyone, who the only has selected into an important job in his community and also showed us how the society worked during that time.

Words Wizard – A2 – group 4

1: Piecemeal

“The applauded at the final Assignment; but the applause was piecemeal, no longer a crescendo of inited enthusiasm,”(59).

Guess: Little by little

Definition: Piece by piece; one piece of time; gradually

2: Anguish

“I caused you anguish,”(60).

Guess: Hurt, something that make other people sad.

Definition: excruciating or acute distress, suffering, or pain

3: Crescendo

” They applauded final Assignment; but the applause was piecemeal, no longer a crescendo of united enthusiam,”(59).

Guess: Sound increase

Definition: A gradual, steady increase in loudness or force

4: Painstaking

” “Sometimes,” she went on, speaking now in a lighter tone, relaxing the tension in the Auditorium, “we are not entirely certain about the Assighnments, even after the most painstaking observations,”(61).

Guess: Someone that work hard.

Definition: Showing diligent care and effort expending, careful

5: Meticulously

” We have observed him meticulous,”(62).

Guess: Very careful

Definition: Showing extreme care about something; precise; thorough:

6: Transgression

” Jonas has, like all of us committed minor transgression,”(62).

Guess: Break a rule

Definition: An act of transgressing, violation of a law, command.

7: Spontaneously

” The she turned and left the stage, left him there alone, standing and facing the crowd, which began spontaneously the collective murmur of his name,”(64).

Guess: Something happens that you don’t know.

Definition: Without effort or premeditation; natural and unconstrained; unplanned:

8: Requisition

” When he had crushed his finger in the door, he had quickly, gasping into the speaker, notofied his mother; she had hastily requisitioned relief-of-pain medication which had promptly been delivered to his dwelling”,(69-70).

Guess: Require somebody

Definition: The act of requiring or demanding.

9: Exhilaranting

At first it’s exhilarating: the speed; the sharp, clear air; but then the snow accumulates, builds up on the runners, and you slow, you have to push hard to keep going and-“,(78).

Guess: Bracing

Definition: Something that exhilarates.

10: Apprehensively

” Jonas did so, a little apprehensively”,(79).

Guess: Afraid, scared, worry.

Definition: Uneasy or fearful about something that might happen.


Summarizer – Week 3 – Group 4

1. What did the Elder do to Jonas when he is ready to go on stage?
The Elder skipped Jonas and continued to say the next number.
2. What did Jonas do in the auditorium the whole time? What did he get after all those time?
In the whole time, Jonas listened to all other numbers and after all he didn’t get his job because the Elder skipped his number.
3. Where do you think the auditorium would be in this community?
I think it in the center of the community because this Ceremony is important.
4. Can you predict how will Jonas’s future be like.
I predicted that Jonas will have an important job that he didn’t think about it yet.
5. What do you think the Elders are trying to do with Jonas?
I think she will give him an important job that she think he was worthy to that job.

Some connections for this chapter are Hieu and Jonas they both nervous and scare when they had the Ceremony. Another connection is Jonas got forgotten from the Elder and there were a lot of time Hieu’s friends forgot about him and it made him very sad. This week Lisa C did a good job on predicted and talk about the ceremony very details, but she just kept talk about one idea. The word wizard this week is Jack, and he made a great job on explaining the vocab words, which a lot of them are difficult words that we confused. Las but not least, the picture that the visualizer drew was related to chapter 7 when the Elder skipped Jonas and continued with next numbers. But the picture is not very neat and he need to add color in the picture.

Dicussion The Giver – Week 2

Why did Lily want to be a Birth-mother?What reasons made Lily wanted to be a Birth-mother?

What would happen to Jonas’ father if the committee found out Jonas’ father had broken the rules? And what was the rules?

Think of some reasons that made Jonas’ father bring Gabriel home and why?

Who was Benjamin?

What are the similarities between Jonas and Gabriel?

Week 1- Reflector

  • After reading the first chapter of The Giver by Lois Lowry, I predicted that the rest of this book will be about the protagonist is Jonas try to escape from his world right now to discover the new world.
  • I think the mood of this first chaper is very peaceful and quite. Nothing is too novel, or interesting to the reader rigt now.
  • Base on the first chapter, I infer that Jonas will be more confident, brave and ready to fight back for justice. He will solve his own problem and help his family and other people.
  • I think the big idea in this first chapter is “apprehensive”. Because Jonas was scared about his ceremony in december. If his fear more and more big, it will turn to an ostacle will block his way discover a new world.
  • I feel this text make me absorb to the story. Make me want to read more and find the answer to solve Jonas’s issue right now.
  • I think Jonas try to escape from hhis own fear by share to his family. He want to be more confident and his family will help him to face and reach to his fear.
  • While I read this book, I think well Jonas will face lots of obstacle that he can not imagine how complicate that is.