After finishing up the last few chapters of The Giver , there were a few questions asked by our discussion director this week:

  1. Who do you think is Rosemary and what relation she had to the Giver? After you realize that she’s the Giver’s daughter, how do you feel?
  2. Do you think Jonas still cares about Fiona now that he have learned she have no feelings when releasing the Old?
  3. What will Jonas’s friends and parents think when Jonas and Gabriel are gone?
  4. Do you think that Jonas will make through this journey? Will he and Gabriel live and fine Elsewhere?
  5. Do you think that the Giver should go with Jonas to Elsewhere? Why?

Most of the members have answered the Discussion Director’s question, the ones who’ve answered got almost the same thing. Throughout the discussions, it proves that we have the same point of view towards the book as we read. Next, our Connector has connect to the member’s first trip to the wilderness which is Madagui, he compared this to The Hunger Game and the book’s author Suzanne Collins. He stated that they have the same writing style and their favorable topic is utopia and dystopia. He says that these chapters is related to the others since before he saw of his father killing a baby and now he’s planning for an escape. Some of the words chosen by the Word Wizard are:

Rueful, Hunched, Solemnly, Startingly, Dwelling, Errand, Unison, Emphatically, Meticulously, and Taut. The words chosen are really great words since there are a quite confusing words, and through these definition it really helps understands the text better throughout the reading. Our Visualizer created a picture displaying when Jonas cried as he found out that his father is killing babies, also he’s screaming not wanting to go home. This is an important scence in the chapters because Jonas now knows what release is truly is and perfectly shows Jonas’s strongly unsupported towards this idea of releasing. Overall, I think eventhough it’s a simple pictue it really demonstrate the requirements of that scence and is showing the emotion. Afterwards, the Reflector has reflected on Jonas and Gabriel’s journey to Elsewhere and discovering the whole new world to them. The reflector also said that they would make it but it’s be challenging. Also, like what we’ve talked in class the memories would be released into the community. The tones that she talked about were sad and hesitant since he’s planning for an escape. The big idea is how Jonas and Gabriel is different form the others, that’s why they want to discover all sort of things. She said that Jonas would ocntinue to go on his journey of finding his real self and the world he’s suppose to live in. These are the things that our group discussed about this week.

Week 8 – Word Wizard


Sentence: “The Giver gave a rueful, anguished, empty laugh “Jonas, you and I are the only ones who have feelings. We’ve been sharing them now for almost a year.” ”

Guess: Fake/ make up things

Definition: Expressing sorrow or regret, especially when in a slightly humorous way.


Sentence: “The Giver rubbed Jonas’s hunched shoulders.”

Guess: Specific part of a shoulders

Definition: raise (one’s shoulders) and bend the top of one’s body forward.


Sentence: “Jonas nodded solemnly.”

Guess: No mercy

Definition: Serious or earnest


Sentence: It seemed startlingly simple.

Guess: Obvious Definition: creating sudden alarm, surprise, or wonder; astonishing.


Sentence: “Then, in the middle of the night before the Ceremony, Jonas would secretly leave his dwelling.”

Guess: Shelter

Definition: a house, apartment, or other place of residence.


Sentence: “When the driver and vehicle arrived, The Giver would send the driver on some brief errand.”

Guess: A small tour around a house.

Definition: a short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, often on someone else’s behalf.


Sentence: “Together they would let Jonas’s presence in their lives fade away as they said his name in unison more slowly, softer and softer, until he was disappearing from them, until he was no more than an occasional murmur and then, by the end of the long day, gone forever, not to be mentioned again.”

Guess: Speak in a respectively way

Definition: simultaneous performance of action or utterance of speech.


Sentence: “Jonas shook his head emphatically.”

Guess: mysteriously

Definition: without doubt, clearly.


Sentence: “All of it – all the things they had thought so meticulously – fell apart.”

Guess: Carefully, very detail

Definition: showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.


Sentence: “His leg muscles were taut now.”

Guess: painful, sore

Definition: stretched or pulled tight; not slack.

Week 8 – Reflector

After I read the from chapters 20 to chapters 22 of “The Giver” I predicted the rest of the story will be about Jonas and Gabriel will reach to a world that’s they always wonder, even if they have a hard time throughout their journey but they will make it (I think so). He did it want he always wanted, and now, nothing is going to stop him. All the memories are released back to the community…  The mood and the tones in those 2 chapters are a simply sad and hesitated when he leaves his community before dawn and when he “kidnapped” It was a mixture of both. The “big ideas” were that Jonas and Gabriel is different from everybody else. That’s why they want to find the truth all this time, to understand that their world is “not” real. And to find the world that they supposed to be in..

Based on clues in the text, I think that Jonas is continuing trying to discover new things that are heading to him. I think he will have a life like a real world should have, privacy, choosing our own job, do whatever he wants to.

Week 8 Discussion Director of Group 2

1. Who do you think is Rosemary and what relation she had to the Giver? After you realize that she’s the Giver’s daughter, how do you feel?

2. Do you think Jonas still cares about Fiona now that he have learned she have no feelings when releasing the Old?

3. What will Jonas’s friends and parents think when Jonas and Gabriel are gone?

4. Do you think that Jonas will make through this journey? Will he and Gabriel live and fine Elsewhere?

5. Do you think that the Giver should go with Jonas to Elsewhere? Why?

The Giver – Week 8 – Connector

  1. I can connect it with the trip to Madagui, It was my first time experience in the wilderness where I could see many types of animals. And I could experience the nature outside. I I experienced some fear and there are challenges I had to face.
  2. I can compare this to The Hunger Games since they both have the traits of dystopia. But in the Jonas’s world, it considered an utopian world. But later on, he realized that his community is a dystopian community
  3. I can compare with Katniss because in the game, she has to go out hunting to survive and protect herself and she has to be aware of her surrounding. It is similar to just how Jonas escaped and had to be cautious not to get caught so he can release the memory to the community
  4. I can compare it to Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games. The reason I chose this because she wrote the similar way that The Giver was written using that trait of dystopia but the giver was from Utopia to Dystopia
  5. It relates to the other sections because the last section talked about how Jonas father killed a new born child which made Jonas really mad about the society and now he is planning to escape

Week 7 Summarizer

This week the discussion director is Helen, once a again she did a fantastic job at coming up questions. This week questions is:
1/. How does Jonas feel since he can see different color? Why?

2/. By being able to see color, does it mean that he’ll begin to make choices of his own? Why?

3/. How can Jonas understand/know exactly what Lily is feeling when she said she felt angry?

4/. Do you notice any change in Jonas and Asher’s friendship?

5/. What do you think happened to the Receiver that was selected before Jonas that failed? Why was it a fail?

So all of our group members answer the questions and all of our answers has the same ideas proof that we all get the ideas of chapter 17-19. One of Jessica’s Vu connections is she connects the Giver with Veronica Roth (the one who wrote Divergent), how their’s writing are kinda alike each other. She’s also has a connection with her lifetime, when she’s sick and her mom bought her pills and she don’t want to take the pills just like Jonas. The visualizer of this week is Jenny, like always she did an amazing job at drawing and pointing out the important part of the chapters. Her interpretation of this week is about Jonas’s dad releasing a new born baby and how fast it is. Also Long Nam did a great job about finding out vocabulary that we mostly don’t know yet like ruefully, shreds, cradling, syringe,..

Connector/ Week 7 Group 2

1.One connection i can make to my life is that whenever it is a holiday and i get a day off from school, i am really happy that i get to rest or hang out with my friends like when in the Giver there was an unscheduled holiday where adults get a day off work and children would skip school and training and volunteer hours.

2. I can compare to this to me kind of because Jonas doesn’t take his pills anymore and he feels a little guilty of the dreams that he had. This is like me because when i am sick and my  mom buys me pills i don’t take them and i lose them.

3. There is one character that i read in the book “Ketchup Clouds” and there is a deaf little girl that is curious about everything and likes to ask a lot of questions like Jonas likes to ask about his memories he is receiving or about the previous failed receiver

4. Veronica Roth; who wrote the Divergent series is similar to the writing style in the Giver

5. This section relates to the other section that talk about Rosemary, the last failed receiver

Week 7 Reflector of Group 2

After reading chapters 17-19, I would predict that in the near future, he will break some of the given rules because he had found the horrible truth behind the releasing ceremony. By breaking rules, I think he would do something like suicide in the river?

While I’m reading, I could sense a mood of intensity, the curiosity of Jonas and the terrified feeling that Jonas had from discovering the truth of releasing.

I has immediately thought about when I learn the truth about that ghost did not exist. I was pretty scared of the dark back then, I don’t know what part of the dark I was scared of but I was scared.

Jonas is now a critical thinker. I think he is a lot more mature than he used to be. He thinks about things and he now makes his own decision. I think that overall, Jonas has grown to be more independent.

I think the big idea of this section is the last Receiver failed and it is repeated that this could not happen again. And the Receiver who failed was also somebody important to the Giver

The text once again describes the whole world using large words making me get drawn to the world itself. I can imagine what Jonas’s pain feel like, I can identify what memory he received. So sum it up, The text is very descriptive.

MY conclusion is that this world is the same everyday. And there is a very large change in the near future, something that could change the whole world involving breaking rules and going beyond.