Here were the questions asked by our Discussion Director for chapters 20-23:


1. Who is Rosemary? How did she relate to the Giver?

2. How do you think the Giver feel after she choose to be Release?

3. Do you think it’s the right decision for Jonas to leave the Community, is it good for the people or not? Why?

4. Do you predict Jonas will make it through his journey or fail ? What do you think will happen next?

5. What do you think about the idea of a Community that when you were gone, people murmured your name for awhile, forgot you forever and replace you with a new person?


Hannah and I were the only ones to answer, we both answered that Rosemary was the previous Receiver who turned out to actually be The Giver’s daughter. We also agreed on how The Giver would feel bad and upset about Rosemary applying for release. For the third question, we again agreed that Jonas made the right decision of leaving the community so the people’s lives would be more meaningful and they deserve to know about their past. We predict that Jonas will make it through his journey because he is courageous, wise and different from the others. For the last question, we agreed that we would feel really bad of how people can forget about us in such a short amount of time.


I thought our visualizer this week, Hannah, did a great job on interpreting when Jonas gave Gabriel the memory of snow. This relates to the reading because now not only Jonas, but Gabriel also has some of the memories about the community’s past. He might turn out to be the only actual  normal person in the community. He might be able to help Jonas change the community they’re living in.


Our word wizard, Morgan, also did a great job on explaining the hard and confusing words from the book.


I do not see the connector’s post, I guess she might’ve forgotten to do it or she posted it somewhere else.




1. Who is Rosemary? How did she relate to the Giver?

2. How do you think the Giver feel after she choose to be Release?

3. Do you think it’s the right decision for Jonas to leave the Community, is it good for the people or not? Why?

4. Do you predict Jonas will make it through his journey or fail ? What do you think will happen next?

5. What do you think about the idea of a Community that when you were gone, people murmured your name for awhile, forgot you forever and replace you with a new person?


Week 8 Word Wizard

1. rueful (adj.)

The giver gave a rueful, anguished, empty laugh. (pg. 154)

My guess: sad

Definition: Expressing sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous way

2. undertaking (noun)

So this would not be an unusual undertaking. (pg. 160)

My guess: occasion

Definition: A task that is taken on; an enterprise

3. errand (noun)

When the driver and vehicle arrived, The Giver would send the driver on some brief errand. (pg. 160)

My guess: task

Definition: A short journey undertaken in order to deliver or collect something, especially on someone else’s behalf

4. solace (noun)

Confronted by a situation which they had never faced before, and having no memories from which to find either solace or wisdom, they would not know what to do and would seek his advice. (pg. 161)

My guess: comfort

Definition: Comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness

5. stealthily (adverb)

It was terribly dangerous because some of the work crews were still about, but he moved stealthily and silently, staying in the shadows, making his ways past the darkened dwellings and the empty Central Plaza, toward the river. (pg. 163)

My guess: bravely

Definition: Behaving or done in a cautious and surreptitious manner, so as not to be seen or heard

6. understatement (noun)

That’s an understatement. (pg. 164)

My guess: false statement

Definition: The presentation of something as being smaller or less good or important than it really is

7. frazzled (adj.)

They were really frazzled by the time I got to work. (pg.164)

My guess: frustrated

Definition: Completely exhausted

8. condemned 

He thought of the rules he had broken so far: enough that if he were caught, now, he would be condemned. (pg. 165)

My guess: captured

Definition: Sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, especially death

9. transgression 

A major transgression. (pg. 165)

My guess: violation

Definition: An act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence

10. taut 

His leg muscles were taut now. (pg. 168)

My guess: very hurt from being used too much

Definition: (Especially of muscles or nerves) tense; not relaxed

Week 7 Summarizer

This week our class read chapters 17-19 and the discussion director’s questions were:

1. What things did Jonas see when he stopped taking the pills?

2. Why do you think Asher got so upset with Jonas after Jonas said to stop playing the game? Do you think this conflict would affect their friendship?

3. Who is Rosemary? Why do you think the Giver loved her so much?

4. How would you feel if you were selected as the Receiver of Memory, like Jonas? What would you do?

5. After reading chapters 17-19, did your thoughts about “being released” change? How so?

Everyone in our group answered the questions with great ideas and opinions. This week Hannah did a good job of making connections to the chapters we read this week. She said that the game of battle the children played reminded her of a game she plays with her family called Captain of the Flag. She also said that Jonas refusing to take his pills is similar to her because she doesn’t usually take medicine when she gets sick. A book character she felt was similar to Jonas was Maniac Magee because they both like to try new things. In addition, she said that an author with the same writing style as Lois Lowry is Jerry Spinelli since the two authors both write adventurous children books. These chapters are similar to the ones before where they talk about Jonas and Asher’s friendship. I couldn’t find the visualizer’s post.

Week 3 Connector.

1. When I was a small kids I was always afraid of being in a big Ceremony. So when I was 7 years old I got called up stage for something I don’t remember.It was really scary to stand infront of alot of people. Just like how Jonas was nervous because he was skipped by the Elders.

2. The place that I can compared this chapter to Ais because we usually have ceremony at the end of the year.

3.I can compared Jonas in this chapter with Katniss from the HUger Game because they were both in a huge ceremony to be selected.

4. Jerry Spinelli because he write books about journeys and things that make the reader suprise.

5. THis chapter and the chapter before talks mainly about the Ceremony of Twelves.

Week 7 Connector.

1. The part where the kids were playing a battle by imagination makes a really great connection to my own life playing Captain of Flag with my family.

2. The parts where Jonas doesn’t take pills anymore make a connection to me too because when I’m sick at home I don’t take medicine so this part make connection to me.

3. I thinks I can compare Jonas to Miniac Magee because they both likes to try out new things in their life.

4. The author that rights the type of writing like Lois Lowry is Jerry Spinelli because they both write books for childrens and but lot of cool adventures and journeys in the books .

5. This sectioni is relate to the other section that came before is that they talk about Jonas and Asher friendship in this chapter and others chapter that came before too.

Week 7 Reflector

I predict that Jonas will probably do something to change his Community since he’s becoming a critical thinker about how a no pain, no love, no freedom to make personal choices place of his Community is wrong. I think Jonas will not feel the same about his family since he just witnessed his Father killing a child in the Release and and before that he thought his Father enjoy having and taking care the newborn babies. His friendship with Fiona and Asher is falling apart because he is being more and more different from them in his feeling and way of thinking.
The mood and tone was somewhat intense. Jonas sounds mad and sad when his friends playing the war game and its recall his memory of death in the past. It sounds calm then horrified as he saw his Father holding the Release for the twins.
I thought about how cruel perfection was. The Community accept just one in an identical twins. The stronger child will be keep and the weaker one have to be Release otherwise, they can’t have 2 person looking the same.
Jonas is becoming a critical thinker and more mature since he started to have feelings and all those memories. The memories somewhat acknowledge him, separated him from others people in his community.
I think the big idea is the event Jonas went through before he goes to change his Community. He has changed because he now have feelings and he saw how imperfect and cruel his community was.
The text makes me feel bad when the kids play the war game, surprised when I read what Releasing actually means and sorry for the weaker twin. The text basically make me feel and imagine what Jonas have go through in the story.
To sum up, Jonas’s utopia is not necessary a perfect world. Jonas is having a hard time being a Receiver himself as he recognize his world is unfair for the weaker, as he felt love, pain overtime.


Week 2: Reflector

I predict that Jonas will have a different job, different assignment, unique from everybody else, as he started notice that he isn’t like people around him. Jonas can see the color red of the apple, on page 24 and 25, that Asher and others cannot see, that’s something special. I think that Jonas and Gabriel have something in common, maybe they may change the community. I think so because Jonas and Gabriel have the same pale, blue eyes that seperate them, unlike others, since they have dark eyes.

The mood was kind of puzzling and calm. It sounds confuse and lost when Jonas realize that he can actually see the color red in his non-color world. The mood get both kind of puzzling and smooth as he slowly figuring out more about himself, who he is, what assignment would he rather get, why he is different from other people.

The story kind of show me the timeline how people develop and become mature over time, both physically and mentally. It make me feel strange how the children get their jobs, assignments as such young age, how important the roles like Nuturer, Receiver,… in the community are.

Jonas is my favorite character I think Jonas started to recognize that unlike other people, he’s special. He is different from them somehow. In the beginning of the book, he just act and communicate like everybody else, he seemed to be a part of them, nothing strange. Non-related, bizzare events keep happening to him and he seem to be developing, more maturity in his thoughts.

Big ideas is how Jonas abnormal from his family and community, how special he is. He can see the color that nobody else ever can. He have pale eyes while others have dark eyes. I think this illustrate, represent the way of him seeing the world in another lenses.

Base on the clues in the text, I think that a big event will happen to Jonas in his Ceremony of Twelve as he figure out more and more about himself.

Week 3 – Dicussion Director

1) What do you think Stirring means?

2) Why do you think people have to take the pill when they get “Stirring”? Do you think it’s something wrong or it’s the sickness?

3) What do you think about being replace, like a new Caleb, a new Roberto?

4) What assignments did Asher and Fiona get?

5) Why does the Chief Elder skipped Jonas? What do you think will happen next?