1. Who is Rosemary? How did she relate to the Giver?

2. How do you think the Giver feel after she choose to be Release?

3. Do you think it’s the right decision for Jonas to leave the Community, is it good for the people or not? Why?

4. Do you predict Jonas will make it through his journey or fail ? What do you think will happen next?

5. What do you think about the idea of a Community that when you were gone, people murmured your name for awhile, forgot you forever and replace you with a new person?



  1. 1. She is a fail Receiver . She relates to the Giver because The Giver loves her.
    2. I think the Giver feel really bad and upset because The Giver loves Rosemary so the facts that Rosemary is choose to be Release is not what the Giver want.
    3. I think it’s the right descision for Jonas to leave the Community because when he leave the community the memmories will return to the community memebers. So the cummunity life will be more meaningful.
    4. I think he will make it through the journey because he has lots of courage and lessons form the memmories that he had riceived.
    5. I would felt really sad because since I was a part of a Community I think even though when I’m not there people shouldn’t just forget me that quickly .

  2. 1. Rosemary was the previous Receiver. She is The Giver’s daughter.

    2. I think he would feel a lot of pain. I mean, it’s is daughter we’re talking about. It would hurt a lot to lose a loved one.

    3. I personally think it is the right decision. If Jonas haven’t left, the Community will forever be lied to about their past and the lives their living. I think it’s good for the people, even if it’s painful, they should be able to know about their past.

    4. I think Jonas will make it. I just really believe in him. He is smart and different from everyone else.

    5. I think it’s kind of sad to know that whether you live or die, life will move on. It’s also scary how they can get over deaths that quickly and easily and replace you with someone else.

  3. 1) Rosemary is the failed Receiver before Jonas. She was The Giver’s daughter.
    2) I think he was very heartbroken because not only was she the new Receiver, she was also his daughter. I think he was disappointed in himself for going too fast on her while she was not prepared.
    3) I think he made the right decision, because as stated in the book, if he wasn’t able to survive on the journey Elsewhere, he would die of the hunger for all the love, joy, and music
    4) I think that he will succeed in this journey because he has lots of hope and he had Gabriel to keep him company so that he won’t lose faith
    5) I would hate living that way, to think that a person’s life is nothing more than a name. Also, personally, I take a long time to recover from loss so it won’t be possible for me to just forget that person in a day,

  4. Rise Mary is the last receiver but she fail and she ask to be release.
    I think the giver is very sad because the last receive is his daughter that he have raised
    I think it’s not a good idea because now his community is very shock because they have all of the emotion that they don’t know what is it. And the person he love is sturggling with all the emotion.
    I think Jonas will success because he have Gabriel with him and help him get through the weather condition.
    I would hate it because you can not replace a person with another person when they’re gone or die

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