Hey guys! Here are your questions for chapters 17-19.

1. What things did Jonas see when he stopped taking the pills?

2. Why do you think Asher got so upset with Jonas after Jonas said to stop playing the game? Do you think this conflict would affect their friendship?

3. Who is Rosemary? Why do you think the Giver loved her so much?

4. How would you feel if you were selected as the Receiver of Memory, like Jonas? What would you do?

5. After reading chapters 17-19, did your thoughts about “being released” change? How so?


Hello great 8s!

I just want to remind you what to do if you find that you’ve completed a literature circle assignment that I haven’t recorded.

First, find the post, then copy the url address and email it to me.

lit circle grade snip

2-8 are the weeks for each assignment.

a = you replied to the discussion director

b = you replied to another post (not the discussion director)

c = you created a new post for your role

Week 6 Connector

*** Jessica wrote this. I only posted for her because she has problems accessing her account. ***

While I was reading chapters 14-16, the connection that I have is when Jonas gave the memory to Gabriel to make Gabriel stop crying. It’s reminded me of when I was three and my mom said that I have to make my sister stop crying In the book the Giver, the part where Jonas received the warfare memory remind me of the place named Allepo. It’s located in Syria, and because there’re a lot of war there, people are suffering and tried to survive every day for many years. Katness in The Hunger Game and Jonas in the Giver is having the same life. Jonas and Katness have to went through a lot of pain. This section is related to the last section because the author tells us more about the memories that Jonas received.

Week 6 Word Wizard.

1. Invigorating : ( pg.108)

“looking forward to the breath taking slide down through the invigorating air .”

Guess : cold air .

Real : strong air.


2.Acceleration : (pg.108

“terrified,was at the mercy of the wild acceleration downward over the ice.”

Guess : fast ?

Real : something that being fast.


3. Lodged: ( pg.109)

“It was a if a hatchet lay lodged in his leg..”

Guess : stay locked

Real : places that people usually rest.


4.Instantaneous : (pg.109)

“an injection that bought complete and instantaneous deliverance.”

Guess : doing something right away .

Real : immediate.


5. Unendurable : ( pg.110)

“It was not unendurable, as the pain on the hill had been.”

Guess: suffer , pain

Real: pianful


6. Neglected : ( pg.110)

“in which he had been neglected and unfed ; ”

Guess :suffering

Real :carelessness.


7. Excruciating : (pg.111)

” the hunger had causes excruciating ”

Guess: suffering

Real :tortured


8. Fretfully : (pg.116 )

“but the newchild still squirmed fretfully under his hand .”

Guess :naughty

Real : anxiously


9.Billowing : ( pg.116)

” above him the white sail of the boat billowing as he moved along in the brisk wind

Guess : strong

Real :extremly strong.


10.Soothing : ( pg.116 )

” he kept it for a while, soothing his own nervousness …”

Guess : calmly

Real :gentle.




After reading chapters 14-16, I predict that the next chapters of the story will be about how Jonas starts to see the world in a different light, a different perspective. I think this because throughout chapters 14-16, Jonas has started to wonder and question a lot of things. For example on page 127, after he received a memory of love from The Giver, he came home and asked his parents if they loved him. Also on page 126 after he received a memory of grandparents, he said to The Giver how he thought it would be nice if there were grandparents in the Community.

I really enjoyed these 3 chapters because I felt like the tone of the story is somewhat more relaxing than the previous ones I’ve read about. Except for the bad memories Jonas received, everything else seemed happy and calm.

During my reading, I can’t help but think about what our world would be like if we didn’t have grandparents, or love. How boring would it be?

I noticed a lot of changes in Jonas in chapters 14-16. As I stated, Jonas has started to view the world in a different perspective. He has started to question a lot of things and different from others, he has started to think that the past is actually not that bad of a place with grandparents and love existing. I’m actually starting to like the character Jonas even more, I like the person he’s becoming after receiving the memories.

I think a big idea of these chapters is how the past isn’t a place that’s so bad that the people to have to forget about. Even though there were wars and starvation in the past, happy memories still exist in the past. On page 126, Jonas said how when there were grandparents and real families, it felt more complete. Maybe it would be better if everyone remembered about the past of the Community.

In conclusion, I feel like since Jonas has started viewing his Community is a different view, he will start to ask more questions and wonder more things about the past of his Community. He will start to have his own opinions about the changes that were made for the Community. He will think more critically. I also think as the story continues, Gabriel will become an important character since Jonas has been giving some of the memories to him. Gabriel might turn out to become the only person to know about the past of the Community and he might even do something to make a change to the Community.

Week 6 Discussion Director

1. What was the third memory of pain Jonas received?

2. Why are there days when Jonas would be sent away from his daily training?

3. Why did Jonas want to give Gabriel the memories, knowing that he wasn’t supposed to?

4. Do you think Gabriel would grow up differently from having the memories Jonas gave to him?

5. Would you have liked to be a Receiver in Jonas’s community and be the only one to know the joys in life, or would you rather not because the burden would be too heavy?

Week 5 : Discussion Director.

1. What do you think about the Comuunity taking all the color away ? It is a good things or a bad things?

2. Do you think Asher and Fiona will be cloder or farther apart from Jonas ?

3. What role do you think the color red play ?

4. What do you think about people making their own choices ? What if they choose wrong ?

5. What do you think about the ideal that it’s extremely rude to touch another person outside of the family unit ?



The room was absolutely silent, and for a momment, Jonas feared that he might disgrace himself now. (Pg.80)

POS: Noun

Guess meaning: Embarass

Dictionary: The loss of respect, honor, or esteem; ignominy; shame


It was very startling; but he was not at all frightened (p.80)

POS: Adjective

Guess meaning: Unexpected

Dictionary: surprising and sometimes worrying


He looked quizzically at the old man (Pg.85)

POS: Adjective

Guess meaning: Confused, questioned

Dictionary: Odd, queer, or comical, questioning or puzzled


He could she a bright, torrent of crystal in the air around him. (Pg.81)

POS: Noun

Guess meaning: Sight

Dictionary: a stream of water flowing with great rapidity and violence.


Sled, he knew abruptly. (p.81)

POS: Adjective

Guess meaning: Suddenly

Dictionary:  ​Sudden and ​unexpected, and often ​unpleasant


It wasn’t a practical thing, so it became obsolete when we went to Sameness. (Pg.84)

POS: Adjective

Guess meaning: No need, out of dated

Dictionary: No longer in general use; fallen into disuse


He’s so fretful last night. (Pg.88)

POS: Adjective

Guess meaning: Weary

Dictionary: To feel or express worry, annoyance, discontent


He was very aware of his asmontion not to discuss his traning (Pg.89)

POS: Noun

Guess meaning: Warning

Dictionary: Counsel, advice, or caution.


We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with differences. (Pg.95)

POS: Verb

Guess meaning: Get rid of

Dictionary: To let go, release


Then he smiled wryly (Pg.95 )

POS: Adjective

Guess meaning: Pleased, sastisfied