Connector/ Week 7 Group 2

1.One connection i can make to my life is that whenever it is a holiday and i get a day off from school, i am really happy that i get to rest or hang out with my friends like when in the Giver there was an unscheduled holiday where adults get a day off work and children would skip school and training and volunteer hours.

2. I can compare to this to me kind of because Jonas doesn’t take his pills anymore and he feels a little guilty of the dreams that he had. This is like me because when i am sick and my  mom buys me pills i don’t take them and i lose them.

3. There is one character that i read in the book “Ketchup Clouds” and there is a deaf little girl that is curious about everything and likes to ask a lot of questions like Jonas likes to ask about his memories he is receiving or about the previous failed receiver

4. Veronica Roth; who wrote the Divergent series is similar to the writing style in the Giver

5. This section relates to the other section that talk about Rosemary, the last failed receiver

Word Wizard/ Week 6 Group 2

– Invigorating, ” The sled moved forward, and Jonas grinned with delight, looking forward to the breathtaking slide down through the invigorating air.” (Pg. 108)

Guess- cold

Definition- (adjective) making one feel strong, healthy, and full of energy

– Ominous, “Now it ominous. It meant, he knew, that nothing could be changed.” (Pg. 113)

Guess-  something unpromising occuring

Definition- (adjective) giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious

-Wisp, “He no longer had any more than wisp of the memory, and he felt a small lack where it had been.” (Pg. 117)

Guess- a little part

Definition- (noun) a small thin or twisted bunch, piece, or amount of something.

-Immobilized, ” One of Jonas’s arms was immobilized with pain, and he could see through his own torn sleeve something that looked like a ragged flesh and splintery bone.” (Pg. 119)

Guess- paralyzed

Definition- (verb) prevent (something or someone) from moving or operating as normal.

– Ecstatic, ” In one ecstatic memory he had ridden a gleaming brown horse across a field that smelled of damp grass, and had dismounted beside a small stream from which both he and the horse drank cold, clear water. (Pg. 122)

Guess- an enthusiasm feeling

Definition- (adjective) feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.

– Perceived, ” He perceived the bonds between animal and human” (Pg.122)

Guess- realized

Definition- (verb) become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.

-Pervaded,” But this time he fit right in and felt the happiness that pervaded the memory” (Pg. 122)

Guess- influenced

Definition- (verb) (of an influence, feeling, or quality) be present and apparent throughout.

–  Contentedly, “Jonas opened his eyes and lay contentedly on the bed, still luxuriating in the warm and comforting memory.” (Pg. 123)

Guess- relaxed, happy

Definition- (adjective) satisfied; content

-Obsolete, “Your father means that you used a very generalized word, so meaningless that it’s become almost obsolete” (Pg. 127)

Guess- not used anymore

Definition- (adjective) no longer in general use; fallen into disuse

– Exempted, “Adults were exempted from the day’s work, children from school and training and volunteer hours.” (Pg. 130)

Guess- released

Definition- (verb) no longer in general use; fallen into disuse

– Strewn, ” Nearby, other bikes were strewn about on the ground.” (Pg. 132)

Guess- spreaded

Definition- (verb) to let fall in separate pieces or particles over a surface; scatter or sprinkle

Summarizer/Week 5 Group 2

For this week, Long Nam was the discussion director and he asked really good question about chapters 11-13. His questions for this week were:

1. Why do you think the Giver want to give Jonas the memory of snow and sled first?

2.  What sign does Jonas “know” that he can “see” the color red?

3.Why did the community ban the memory of snow and sled and the sun?

4.  Why do you think the Giver transfer the memory of blood where the elephant died?

5. When you are old, do you think your life is hard as a receiver?

Our reflector for week 4 was Kevin. Kevin stated that once you are ready to pass on your memories of the given past you become as what is known as “The Giver.” He described the tone that Jonas had was that he was excited and joyful that he is able to have experienced what he has never encountered before from the memories the Giver has given him so far like snow, but he is also nervous of the things he will receive. Kevin has predicted that in the next chapter, Jonas will try to change the community because there are no colors and it is unfair to him.

Helen was the visualizer for this week, she drew a cute little picture of when Jonas was receiving the memory from the Giver about snow and riding a sled down a hill. Helen explains that this interprets that the memory seeks the start of Jonas’s job as being the new receiver.

Mike was the connector in this week. Mike said that there was something interesting that Mike could connect to his own life, and that is when Jonas experiences something new and fun; Jonas wants to experience it again. Mike’s connection was when he was in 7th grade, he got a chance to go zip-lining. At first he thought that it would be scary but really, it was really fun and he wanted to try again.

Jenny was the word wizard for this week, and she found great words that i think helped me understand some of the words in the text. The words that she defined were: Abruptly, Tentatively, Conveyance, Dietary, Capacity, Relinquished, Geraniums, Mutilated, Vaguely, and Shrubbery.

Discussion Director/ Week 4 Group 2

Hi guys, here are your 5 questions for this week. Make sure you answer all the questions.

1.Where do you think the girl in the previous selection for being the Receiver went?

2.Do you think Jonas will ever lie since he is now allowed to?

3.What do you think the pain that Jonas will go through be like? the pain that is indescribable.

4.What can you describe about the old receiver? how he is different from the others?

5.How do you think Jonas will react when he finds out about the “whole world?”

Week 3 Reflector/ Group 2

After i have read chapters 5-7. I predict further in the story, Jonas will receive a special assignment that is it meant just for him. Jonas will have to face new challenges and he will have a lot of curiosity and confusion because he was skipped for when receiving his assignment. (pg. 57)

I mood that i sensed in these chapters was anxious because it was the Ceremony of Twelve for Jonas and it is very important. I also sensed that Jonas was dizzy like he said on (pg. 57) and also he was confused to why they skipped him

What i immediately think when i read these chapters are that it is really weird. About all the rules, and responsibilities, the stirrings. People in the community should have their own thoughts and own privacy.

From my opinion, Jonas is changing because he is finally becoming an adult and having his own responsibilities when he gets his assignment as whatever the Old decides

One really BIG THING that happened mainly in chapter 7 was that Jonas was about to receive his job when the Chief skipped his number and moved on to number 20. He was looking forward to his assignment and the ceremony when he didn’t get called up the stage.

The text makes me feel really curious as what is going to happen to Jonas in the following chapters, and it kind of makes me excited as well for what is going to happen in the text. I can assume that there will be big changes happening

A conclusion that i can guess about is that someone is going to approach Jonas and tell him the reason why he didn’t get his job and that someone is going to assign Jonas a special assignment


Week 1- Connector/ Group 2

1. A connection i can make to my own life is that when i was in 5th grade and living with my guardians, everytime i got home from school, as soon i walk through the front door; i hear “what did you learn in school today?” I had to tell them all about what i had learned in school and tell them if i understand what i learned about or not. Similar to Jonas every night, his family has a ritual that he has to share his feelings to his family over dinner.

2. A story i find similar to “The Giver” is “Cinderella” because she has rules given by her stepmother that she has to obey like “The Giver” i notice their are a lot of specific rules.

3. A character that is alike Jonas is Harry Potter, because harry potter goes on adventures and discoveries new things and are fascinated by them

4. An author that i think writes similar to “The Giver” is Suzanne Collins

5. Since i have only read the first chapter of “The Giver” i can not relate to any other section.