Word Wizard – Week 8

1. Word: empowered

Sentence: ” ‘I am empowered to lie. But I have never lied to you’  ”

Guess: able, allowed to.

Definition: to give power to (someone), to give official authority or legal power to (someone).

2. Word: emphatically

Sentence: “Jonas shook his head emphatically. ”

Guess: disappointingly

Definition:said or done in a forceful or definite way.

3. Word: dwelling

Sentence: “This was probably the most dangerous part, because it was a violation of a major rule for any citizen not on official business to leave a dwelling at night ”

Guess: house?

Definition: a place where a person lives

4. Word:attendant

Sentence: “ ‘There’s no nighttime attendant,’ The Giver explained. ”

Guess: Guest?

Definition: an assistant or servant

5. Word: inconsiderate

Sentence: “They would think him inconsiderate …..”

Guess: irresponsible

Definition: not thinking about the rights and feelings of other people: not considerate.

6. Word: chastise

Sentence: ” …they would plan to chastise him, later.”

Guess: punish

Definition: to criticize (someone) harshly for doing something wrong

7. Word: errand

Sentence: “When the driver and vehicle arrived, The Giver would send the driver on some brief errand

Guess: job

Definition: a short journey that you take to do or get something

8. Word: Confronted

Sentence: “Confronted by a situation which they had never faced before,….”

Guess: Approached

Definition: to deal with (something, such as a problem or danger) ; especially : to deal with (something) in an honest and direct way.

9. Word: solemn

Sentence: “He would make the solemn announcement that Jonas had been lost in the river.”

Guess: memorial

Definition:  very serious or formal in manner, behavior, or expression ; sad and serious ; done or made sincerely.

10. Word: meticulously

Sentence: “All of it – all the things they had thought so meticulously – fell apart. ”

Guess: carefully

Definition: very careful about doing something in an extremely accurate and exact way.

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