Week 6- Connector

I can relate to Jonas throughout reading chapters 14-16 because I usually get horrible dreams that someone else wouldn’t be able to understand. One other connection I had was when Jonas received the memory of himself being an injured soldier in war and having to watch another soldier slowly die. I used to play call of duty and therefore I saw a lot of scenes where dead soldiers were dying. It was very hard thing to look at! I could also connect to Jonas’s memory of him celebrating christmas with his family! I remembered doing it every year with my family and I had an amazing time with my family! I can connect this part of the book to the book Harry Potter because Harry and Jonas are 2 very special characters. Jonas is being watched by The Giver and the receiver very closely. Harry Potter is also a very important character and he’s also being watched by Dumbledore and other teachers in Hogwarts. This chapter is pretty similar to a couple of chapters before this because they talk about how Jonas received both bad and good memories.

Week 5 – Word Wizard

He was filled with energy, and he breathed again, feeling the sharp intake of frigid air. Pg: 80
Guess: Cold air
Definition: Very cold in temperature
Tiny, cold, featherlike feelings peppered his body and face.
Pg: 80
Guess: Tickling feeling
Definition: To hit with rapidly repeated short jabs
Tentatively he opened his eyes not his snow-hill-sled eyes, for they had been open throughout the strange ride.
Pg: 82
Guess: slowly
Definition: unsure; uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant
The man had sat back down in the comfortable upholstered chair.
Pg: 87
Guess: spinning chair
Definition: chairs, sofas, etc. with covering, cushions, stuffing, strings, etc.
This time it has been Fiona who had undergone that fleeting indescribable change.
Pg: 90
Guess: quick and smooth change
Definition: passing swiftly, vanishing quickly, transient, transitory
– Relinquished
We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with differences.
Pg: 95
Guess: recognise
Definition: to let go; release
I thought for a minute that they were wilting, and we should let the Gardening Crew know they needed more watering.
Pg: 99
Guess: Didn’t notice or realise something
Definition: To become limb and dropping; as a fading flower
Pg: 100
There were turfs of sparse grass, a few bushes and rocks, and nearby he could see an area of thicker vegetable: broad, low trees outlined against the sky.
Guess: Natural
Definition: thinly scattered or distributed
Pg: 100
Peering from the place where he stood hidden behind sone shrubbery, he reminded of what The Giver had told him, that there had been a time when flesh had different colors.
Guess: Watching
Definition: to look narrowly
Pg: 101
Right, she said skeptically.
Guess: Don’t think that something might happen
Definition: Having an attitude of doubt.

Week 3- Discussion Director

1. Why do you think the Chief Elders skipped Jonas’s turn?
2. How do you think Jonas felt after the Chief Elders skipped his number and went straight to number 20 like they didn’t even know that he was there?
3. What do you think might happen if Jonas didn’t take the pills?
4. How do think Jonas felt as he shared his dreams with his family in the morning?
5. Do you think that Gabriel will become part of Jonas’s family? Why do you think so?

Reflector Week 2

I think that Jonas will get an assignment that he doesn’t like and he’ll try to do anything to change it. The mood of the story is normal. Nobody’s super happy and nobody is super sad. They all have conflicts to solve but they seem to be ale to handle it quite nicely. While I was reading this book, I thought of an old fashion place with lit candles and no electronics around. I also thought of the time when me and my brother were throwing the ball back and forth. This was described on page 24. I think that Jonas is a very clever kid. He thinks a lot and he think things through. For example, a normal kid won’t pay a lot of attention to how things might look and how things might change but Jonas looks at them very carefully which shows that he always thinks about things that he see. An ordinary kid would just think that it was an illusion and forget about it but Jonas was very curious about it. This was also described on page 24. Jonas is a kid that really likes to discover new things but is very quite and doesn’t like to talk much. The text makes me feel like I’m part of the story because it has a lot of descriptive words on every single page. Jonas is clever kid but he doesn’t brag about himself. On the other hand, he admire other kids his age of things that they do instead of hating on them. This was described on page 27. In conclusion, I think that Jonas will be recognized by the Elders and will soon become a leader of the community.