Week 7 Discussion Director

1. What was a treat for the entire community that only happens once in a while?

2. Why does Jonas realize more things after receiving lots of the memories? Give one example.

3. Why did the government decided to turn horrible things in the past, such as war, to a game that children play?

4. How do you feel when Jonas received more memories and realized it was a new depth of feelings?

5. How do you feel about Jonas’s friendship with Fiona and Asher? Is it going well after Jonas receives more memories?

7 thoughts on “Week 7 Discussion Director

  1. 1. A break from school, work and job training
    2. Because he receives the memories and it happens to him in real life. Like when he asks Asher about the color of the bushes, Asher said nothing while Jonas said it’s green
    3. It’s maybe because that the government wants to erase the memories of war, and makes children play it because children know nothing and they can make it fun, so people will think war is fun
    4. I feel appreciated and poor for him, cause he got isolated from his friends and because of he receiving new memories, he is careful around the world around him which makes him looks like a weirdo to another kid and people will assume he’s crazy so I felt poor for him
    5. As I predicted, Jonas’s friendship is not going well after he received more memories, his friendship was broke becaues he got into an argument with Asher about the war game so it automically breaks the friendships bond and it’s also getting worse as Asher told Jonas is ” no fun” which makes him feel sad so this is real bad

  2. 1.A holiday like a break from school, jobs and training
    2.because he receive the memories and it already happen, maybe in the memories, he see something that he didn’t knew before. Like his mother say that she’s sad and Jonas had to comfort her but Jonas had experienced real sadness and he knew that there was no quick comfort for emotion like those
    3.Maybe the community want people know that wars is fun not bad
    4. I feel bad for him because he was isolated by his friend who didn’t know those feeling and he got no friends to share that feeling.
    5.I think Jonas’s friendship is not going well when he receive more memories because he know more than them

  3. 1. A break from job, school, volunteering hours.
    2. Since Jonas had received more memories. He is now experiencing real sadness, real pain. For example the war memory Jonas received, he’s experiencing pain and sadness, so when he see Asher and his other friends playing a game of war, he knows that they’ll never feel real pain like he had.
    3. Maybe they want the community to know that there’s no pain or sadness in anything even in war. War a very serious thing, they can turn this serious thing into a game that kids play.
    4. I feel satisfied. Because finally finally Jonas can feel pain, happiness, sadness, he finally have feelings not immune to all things like a robot. Maybe he might tell someone about these awesome feelings and now some other people will know feelings exist.
    5. I think they’re getting further apart. Base on the game of war, Asher is getting frustrated with Jonas and doesn’t treat Jonas like a friend but instead a stranger. Fiona asked if Jonas wanted to ride their bikes Jonas rejected which will weaken their friendship.

  4. 1. A break for school and jobs in this society.
    2. Because Jonas received memories and it happen to him in real life. For example is when Jonas received the memory of war, he can feel the pain and sadness.
    3. Because maybe the community want to know that is there is no pain. It is kinda saying that war is fun.
    4. I feel poor for him because he have been separated from other friend, he have to gain the pain, happiness or sadness.
    5. I think they relationship get further and further, because when Asher get into the war game, their relationship is declined and things getting worst.

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