Week 8 Word Wizard Group 6

1. undertaking ( noun )

So this would not be an unusual undertaking. pg 160

My guess: not use much

Definition: A task that is taken on

2. Understatement ( noun )

That is an understatement pg (164)

My guess: statement that are not important

Definition: of something as being smaller or less good or important

3. taut

His leg muscles were taut now. pg 168

My guess: getting tired

Definition: Tense; not relaxed

4. . Languid ( pg.166 )


With a rhythmic sound of languid water lapping hypnotically against a beach nearby.

Guess: soft, slow or empty

Definition: slack or slow

5.  Solace ( pg.161 )

from which to find either solace or wisdom, they would not know what to do and would see his advice

Guess: Make them happy

Definition : to cheer a person

6. Churning ( pg.163 )

he could see the dark, churning water far below

Guess: different or to change

Definition: to be changing rapidly or in a confused

7. Hunched

The Giver rubbed Jonas’s hunched shoulder. (Pg 154)

Guess: hurt; or painful

Definition: raise and bend up on the toward

8. Dwelling

Jonas would secretly leave his dwelling. (pg 158)

Guess: Important place, party

Definition: a house, apartment, or other place of residence.

9. frazzled 

They were really frazzled by the time I got to work. (pg.164)

My guess: frustrated, confused

Definition: Completely

10. taut 

His leg muscles were taut now. (pg. 168)

My guess: very hurt from being used too much

Definition: (Especially of muscles or nerves) tense; not relaxed



Week 7 Connector Group 6

  1. When Jonas and his friends were playing war game, it reminds me of when I played pillow fight with my sister.
  2. In these three chapters and the last few chapters is that Jonas kept training and collect new memories with pain and some beautiful memories.
  3. Chapter 17 is when the Community has a holiday when everyone get a day off, and Jonas hanging out with his friends. It reminds me that the day when we a got a whole week up and I was hanging out with my friends.
  4. The imaginary battle in the story, reminds me when my sister playing fake battle in my room. It really fun.
  5. The author of Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, has a similar writing style to Lois Lowry’s

After I finished reading chapter 11 to 13, i can see that after a Receiver passed all the memories onto the other person, they will become The Giver which the old man did. In chater 11, Jonas feelings sounded very joyful because he can experienced snow and all the other thing that the normal person never can be experienced. Jonas also excited how there is color in his life that he didn’t know before. Jonas feel really not fair and maybe in the next chapter Jonas will do something to change the world he is living.

Week 3 Reflector Group 6

After i have read chapters 5-7, I will predict further in the story where Jonas will receive a tasks that is it just for him. Jonas will face new difficulties and lots of cunfusion because he considered skipped his tasks. I have a sensed that these chapters was nervous because Ceremony of Twelve for Jonas is important. And he also confused why they skipped him at the Ceremony. After i read chapter 5-7 i immediately think that this chapter is very very irregular. About all the striched rules and responsibilities. All people in the community should have thier own privacy and private thought. From my thinking, Jonas is in the last changing to an grown-up person. All his assignment should be decided by the Old. One huge things that mainly happen in chapter 7 is that Cheif skipped Jonas number and moved to the next one. He was ready to step on the stage to receive his assignment but he didn’t get called up. The story make me feel really exicited to what happen next to Jonas in the next few chapter. And i can assumed that their will be a enermous changes in the story. A conclusion that i can figure about is somebody is going to approach Jonas and let him know why he not get to choose.


1. A connection I can make to my own life is when I first went to AIS in grade 2. At 4:00 p.m that is the time when I get back from school. I walked into my parents room because they call me. I sat down on a chair, my mom ask me ” what I do in school today?” So, I have to replied them what I learn in school or else they don’t know what I learned or not. This is similar to Jonas every night, his family has a ritual that he has to share his feelings or thought his family over dinner

2. The similar movie that i’ve thought is Alice in the wonderland. Everything to be seem beautiful and peaceful. Same as Jonas world, no war, no pollution, all the people need to follow the rules.

3. A character that is alike to Jonas is “Katniss” in the Starving Games movie. Where both need to face the challenge. In the Starving Games Katniss need to find a way that can escape from the arena so, she won’t died or get killed during the game.

4. I found a similar writing between Lois Lowry and J.K. Rowling. I see that both like to write about magic, adventure story. I think Harry Porter and The Giver may have the same piece of writing.

5. Since, I just only read the first chapter, so I can’t know what chapter related to what chapter.