Initially, Addie establishes a political party which represent minority students, She wants to speak on behalf of those without voices. Next, Addie was invited to the office to talk to Mr.Kiley about her new-formed party. Mr.Kiley demands that they can’t run their party yet because representing minorities is redundant at the very least, and might be seen as promoting special rights. Then, Bobby suggests to the others about the idea of the No-Name Party,the idea of putting names they have been called since childhood in a circle with a red straight slash over, and they start to put up their handiwork along the corridors of P.F.M.S. without anyone knowing. Yet, their earnings are great, they begin to hear positive thoughts of the kids in school. Finally, they win the rights to run the new No-Name party, and they give the best speeches ever, but they come in second in the elections. It was a close second, but they know they have done their very best, and the week become the No-Name week of P.F.M.S.



1. I can make a connection to my own life was when I moved here, everything has changed by then. I found myself isolated to everyone, and I was addicted to video games. I was too hasty, like Jonas was. And since I was so into video games, my scores suffered. I realized video games are not necessary , in fact video games were not that crucial to me. Then I decided to quit playing video games, and now I  find myself after all these days wandering around doing nothing. Since I know Jonas was not giving up on his journey, I am sure that anything is possible … and I know that we can do anything that we desire for… if we tried our best, and just being ourselves.

2. The Giver reminds me of Panem in the Hunger Games, though the Hunger Games takes place in a dystopia, I found a lot of similarities in both books.

3. I have read about the Hunger Games, which the protagonist is Katniss Everdeen. I found similar character traits of her compared to Jonas in The Giver. Example is that both characters share pale eyes, and both have a little sister.

4. I don’t read books much, so I can’t think of one that has a similar writing style to Lois Lowry.

5. This chapter relates to those that came before it is that it shows how  a certain event: becoming a Receiver could change somebody’ live, and their thoughts, too. In this case, somebody is Jonas, the protagonist of the story.


1. Exempt ( Adults were exempted from the day’s work, children from school and training and volunteer hours ) *Page 130*

Guess: excuse, free from

Definition: free from an obligation or liability on others.

2. Heighten ( And his new, heightened feelings permeated a greater realm than simply his sleep ) * Page 131*

Guess: intense, anxiety

Definition: make something more intense / on a higher level than average

3. Gurgle ( Now, through the memories, he had seen oceans and mountain lakes and streams that gurgled through woods) *Page 131*

Guess: sound of water

Definition: make a hollow bubbling sound like that made by water running out of a bottle

4. Indicate ( ” I felt angry because someone broke the play area rules,” Lily had said once, making a fist with her small hand to indicate her fury. ) * Page 131*

Guess: to show, pointed out

Definition: point out, show / suggests as a desirable or necessary course of action.

5. Exasperation ( But Lily had not felt anger, Jonas realized now. Shallow impatience and exasperation, that was all Lily had felt) * Page 132*

Guess: immaturity

Definition: a feeling of intense irritation or annoyance

6. Stagger ( A female Eleven named Tanya staggered forward from where she had been hiding ) * Page 132*

Guess: sneak

Definition: walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall

7. Plead ( ” Don’t play it anymore,” Jonas pleaded ) * Page 134*

Guess: beg

Definition: make an emotional appeal

8. Glum ( But he set his glum thoughts aside ) * Page 136*

Guess: childish, emotional

Definition: looking or feeling dejected; morose

9. Precise ( ” Both, I guess, I apologi– I mean I should have been more precise. But I don’t know what exactly what I meant.”) *Page 139*

Guess: careful

Definition: exact, accurate, and careful about details

10. Self- possessed ( ” She was a remarkable young woman. Very self – possessed and serene. Intelligent, eager to learn.” )    *Page  140 *

Guess: intelligent

Definition: calm, confident, and in control of one’s feelings; composed



The discussion director asked us these 5 questions:

1. What is Jonas memory at the start of chapter 14?
2. What was the old man doing when Jonas walks into the old man’s room?
3. What is the Giver wants the Birthmother to have years ago?
4. What do you think about Jonas and all of his memories?
5. In the middle of night, what did Jonas whispered to Gabriel?

Everyone answered the questions.

The visualizer did a picture about the memory of war. I think so, because she drew corpses, and there were people begging for help. However, she did not record her fotobabble.

The connector make a connection about The Giver to life is that we were very childish, and whatnot until we see or realize something that is rebellious, exotic to us, and it immediately changes our thoughts.

WEEK 5 Discussion Director – JEFF

1. What is a transmission? and how do they work?

2. Do you think Jonas should or shouldn’t have been selected to be a Receiver? and why so?

3. What was the Capacity to See Beyond that has happened to Jonas? and how it differs from The Giver’s?

4. What is Gabriel admission toy? and what do you think it may symbolize?

5. Who(se) got the permission to access the forbidden books of the community?



1. Jonas became the Receiver of Memories after the ceremony. It was somewhat exotic to him, because he did not know that all of those characteristics that they mention were inside him – Intelligence, Integrity, Courage, and finally, the Capacity to See Beyond. My guess is Jonas will experience physically pain, so much that he want to escape from his own dwelling area. In exchange, he gain knowledge, and he later use it as his advantage in order to escape from the place  and the “truth” behind the committee.

2. I will describe a literary element that we were learning about in the past few weeks: ” Flashback”. ” When I become a Twelve, I was selected as you were. I was frightened, as I’m sure you are.” The literary element in that sentence is that the man was remembering about he was becoming a Receiver of Memories a long time ago.

3. While reading The Giver, I was thinking about how the old man would look like, and the conversation of the man with Jonas.

4. Jonas has changed because of the fact that he’s becoming a person with one of the most honor ” job” The Receiver of Memories.

5. The big idea of the text as a whole are:                                                       -“He has shown all of the qualities that a Receiver must have. ”

6. The unique writing style of Lois Lowry is mysterious, and somehow it makes me feel nervous while I’m reading the book. Examples are that I often caught myself shivering with excitement, or even laughing to the story.

7. I can make a conclusion is Jonas will experience a lot of pain, and his ” job ” will carry him later on more into the job than at home, and his job may involve some top-secret of the committee or the community Jonas was living.


What connection can I make to my own life?

What other places, people, or books can I think of that compare to this story?

What other characters have I read about that compare with the ones from this book?

What other authors are similar to this one in writing style?

How does this section relate to those that came before it?


I can make a connection to my own life is that Jonas reminded of myself because I have lots of interests and I can’t figure out what my job will be in the future.

I can think of the Maze Runner and Divergent compared to this story.


I’ve read about Felix in “Once”, the boy who escaped from the Nazis for months or even years, the boy who bravely dedicated his life to become an amazing and talented doctor; also, I’ve read about a boy in “Prison B-3087” who roughly survived all 10 of the concentration camps, 10 different camps with tons of different people but they shared the same origin: “The Jewishs”, he became one of the prisoners yet to escape from the Nazis and being rescued by the Americans.

I  think it would be Morris Gleitzman or Jack Gruener.

It’s related to to those that came before it because it continous with Jonas and the family and their daily life or actually about Jonas’s life and his reactions to new things that happen in his community or in his family.




1.SQUINTING /skwint/ Verb “Squinting toward the sky, he […]” P.1


DICTIONARY: look at someone or something with one or both eyes partly closed in an attempt to see more clearly or as a reaction to strong light.

2.OCCASIONALLY  /əˈkāZH(ə)nəlē/  Adverb  “Occasionally,when supplies were delivered by cargo planes […]” P.1


DICTIONARY:at infrequent or irregular intervals; now and then.

3.INTRIQUED /inˈtrēɡ/  Verb  “Intriqued, the unloading and […]” P.1


DICTIONARY: arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.

4.SQUAT /skwät/ Verb   “It was not a squat, fat-bellied […]” P.1


DICTIONARY: short and thickset; disproportionately broad or wide.

5.RASPING /ˈraspiNG/ Adjective  “IMMEDIATELY, the rasping voice through the speakers had said.” P.2


DICTIONARY: harsh-sounding and unpleasant; grating.

6.REASSURING /ˌrēəˈSHo͝or/ Verb  “[…]reassuring now and less urgent, had explained that a Pilot-in-Training had misread…” P.2


DICTIONARY: say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone.

7.PALPABLE /ˈpalpəb(ə)l/ Adjective “[…] That moment of palpable, stomach-sinking terror…” P.3


DICTIONARY: so intense as to be almost touched or felt.

8.PATRIOTIC /ˌpātrēˈädik/ Adjective  “[…]the conclusions of the patriotic hymn…” P.3


DICTIONARY: having or expressing devotion to and vigorous support for one’s country.

9.EAGER /ˈēɡər/ Adjective “[…], he wasn’t frightened, but he was eager…” P.4


DICTIONARY: wanting to do or have something very much.

10.APPREHENSIVE /ˌaprəˈhensiv/ Adjective “Apprehensive, Jonas decided.” P.4


DICTIONARY: anxious or fearful that something bad or unpleasant will happen.