Week 8 – Connector

Chapter 20

– When Jonas said he don’t want to go home it reminds of when i was at my grandma house and all of my cousin are there and we are having a lot of fun. But my mom told me to go home it make me felt sad and desperately to stay at my grandma house because i don’t want the fun to end. When Jonas and the Giver plan out so Jonas could escape to Elsewhere that remind me of when my dad told me and my sister to plan out for the summer. What is the goal for summer and what to do.

Chapter 21

– When Jonas sneak out from his dwelling out to took his father bike to carried Gabriel with him to the bridge. That remind me of when i can’t sleep or can’t do any of my homework and sneakily went open the door and went outside then sit their some bicycle driver went back and forth. Then i would wonder around near my place and drive the kids toy while listening to music. The reason why i sneak out was because my dad would usually not let me went outside at night.

– This part relate to the part that came before it because before he went through the bridge to went somewhere else, Jonas and the Giver plan out how to escape and went Elsewhere.

Chapter 22

–  In this chapter Jonas ankle twisted and his knee were scrape blooding coming out from his knee. This part remind me of when i was a 4 years old little girl who went with my cousin to the supermarket. While sitting i realise there’s blood soaking through my pants that i wear. Then i pull my pant up and realize that there is a huge cut into my knee. Then my cousin rush me back into my house and told my dad about it. He then drove me to a hospital and the doctor then sew up my cut.

– This story reminds me of when my cousin walk then accidently bump her head into something. And her head bleed alot.

– This part relate to the part that came before it was because before he went deep into the forest he sneak through the community to come to this place.


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